This section of wishlist is implemented specially for our customers who need to enquire about the various range of our products.
Wishlist just like on the Ecommerce sites helps the customers to add up the liked products without the burden to remember the products browsed and liked by them.
The wishlist when enquired by the customer is answered by our backend team. The information against the wishlist enquiry contains the availability of the products, sizes available, cost of the same and if the product isnt available,
a substitute for the same else the notification on availability is been initiated from our end.
We are the leading manufacturers and suppliers of Veneers, Wooden Flooring, wood cladding, decking, acrylic solid surfaces and waterproof plywoods. Also a leading supplier / dealer of Rubio Monocoat a protective glossy coat for wood with a single coat.
Wishlist is waiting for your choice...